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Ericsson Cradlepoint X20 The Next-Gen 5G Router for Enterprise Networks

Ericsson Cradlepoint X20: De Next-Gen 5G Router

Ericsson Enterprise Wireless heeft de lancering aangekondigd van de Cradlepoint X20 5G-router, ontworpen om zakelijke vaste draadloze toegang (FWA) van enterprise-klasse te bieden. Gebouwd op Ericsson’s geavanceerde draadloze expertise, levert de X20 hoogwaardige 5G-connectiviteit met netwerk slicing en geavanceerde beveiliging, waardoor naadloze en betrouwbare netwerken… Continue reading Ericsson Cradlepoint X20: De Next-Gen 5G Router
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Thank you Ian Bushrod

Ian Bushrod: A New Chapter

We are excited to congratulate Ian Bushrod as he enters the next phase of his career and personal life. After 22 years of dedicated service, first with MS Distribution and more recently with, Ian will be stepping down from his role as Alternative Networks… Continue reading Ian Bushrod: A New Chapter
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Digi 360

Introductie van Digi 360: Verbeterde Cellulaire Connectiviteit voor Moderne Bedrijven

Digi heeft Digi 360 gelanceerd, een nieuwe alles-in-één IoT-oplossing die is ontworpen om bedrijven te voorzien van naadloze en uitgebreide cellulaires oplossingen. Ontdek hieronder meer over hun nieuwste aanbod. Wat is Digi 360? Digi 360 biedt een volledig geïntegreerde suite van speciaal ontwikkelde apparaten, software… Continue reading Introductie van Digi 360: Verbeterde Cellulaire Connectiviteit voor Moderne Bedrijven
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Digi LifeCycle Assurance: Maximising Network Performance

In de onderling verbonden wereld van vandaag is naadloze connectiviteit essentieel. Digi gaat de uitdagingen van complexe omgevingen rechtstreeks aan en levert oplossingen die betrouwbaarheid, eenvoud en schaalbaarheid prioriteren. Hun nieuwste aanbod, Digi LifeCycle Assurance, is ontwikkeld om kritieke systemen te beschermen en connectiviteitservaringen binnen… Continue reading Digi LifeCycle Assurance: Maximising Network Performance

Introducing the Semtech Airlink XR60: The World’s Most Compact, Ruggedised 5G Router is excited to bring you the latest advancement in connectivity solutions from Semtech, formerly Sierra Wireless – the Airlink XR60. Engineered to combine compactness with formidable performance, the AirLink XR60 ushers in a new era of connectivity, promising to extend 5G capabilities to diverse… Continue reading Introducing the Semtech Airlink XR60: The World’s Most Compact, Ruggedised 5G Router

Cradlepoint Launches X10 5G Router, Ideal for Service Providers Seeking to Expand Fixed Wireless Access Market Reach

Just announced, Cradlepoint launches the secure enterprise-grade 5G router, enabling service providers to deliver enhanced quality of service plans for SMB, temporary sites, and remote workers. Read the Cradlepoint press release below. Introducing the X10 5G Router Boise, Idaho — Feb. 15, 2024 — Cradlepoint, the… Continue reading Cradlepoint Launches X10 5G Router, Ideal for Service Providers Seeking to Expand Fixed Wireless Access Market Reach
Industry Insights

Transforming the Oil and Gas Sector with an Extended Reality- and 5G-Enabled Workforce

Worker safety is the paramount concern in the oil and gas industry. Complex environments like oil rigs and refineries require solutions that ensure the well-being of employees, while still enhancing operational efficiency. In this article, we will delve into how the adoption of new technology… Continue reading Transforming the Oil and Gas Sector with an Extended Reality- and 5G-Enabled Workforce